Projects Home / Projects The IVU group is involved in the following projects. Active Projects DAMOCLES - Detection And Mitigation Of Cyber attacks that exploit human vuLnerabilitiES PROTECT - imPROving ciTizEn inClusivity Through Conversational AI DevProDev - Profiling Software Developers for Developer-Centered Recommender Systems TITANUX - creaTing hIgh qualiTy ANd sEcure systems that emphasize UX FAIR WP 6.1 - Future Artificial Intelligence Research, Spoke 6 (Symbiotic AI) Work Package 6.1 (Design of SAI Systems) SERICS - SEcurity and RIghts In the CyberSpace SERENE - User Experience Detector Past Projects SmaTh4SD - Smart Therapies for Speech Disorders SIMPLe: Integrated and automated systems for indoor farming C-LAB 4.0 (Competences Lab for Industry 4.0) E-Shelf (Electronic Shopping & Home delivery of Edible goods with Low environmental Footprint) eGLU-Box Pro eGLU-Box PA PA++ EDOC@WORK 3.0 - EDucation and WORK On Cloud VINCENTE - Virtual collective INtelligenCe ENvironment to develop sustainable Technology Entrepreneurship ecosystems K-People L4A (Tutti possono imparare) Tecnologie End-User Development per la personalizzazione di mobili classici italiani TwinTide - ToWards INtegration of Trans-sectorial IT Design and Evaluation DIPIS - DIstributed Production as Innovative System GENOMENA - Beni Culturali Immateriali per la Ricostruzione della Memoria Storica del Territorio CHAT - Cultural Heritage fruition & e-learning applications of new Advanced (multimodal) Technologies MAUSE - Towards the MAturation of Information Technology USability Evaluation Stressafish VICE - Comunitá Virtuali per l'Apprendimento EUD-Net - End-User Development - Empowering people to flexibly employ advanced information and communication technology FAIRSNET - On-Line Solutions for Trade Fairs DEVISU - Specifica, progetto e sviluppo di sistemi interattivi visuali