CHAT - Cultural Heritage fruition & e-learning applications of new Advanced (multimodal) Technologies

Basic Information

Start Date
Jan 01, 2006
End Date
Jan 01, 2008
2 years

Brief Project Description

The goal of the CHAT project, “Cultural Heritage fruition & e-learning applications of new Advanced (multimodal) Technologies”, is to develop a software infrastructure that allows services accessed through thin clients such as cellular phones or PDAs to be a) adaptable to personal preferences of the user, with focus on the choice of interaction modalities, and b) adaptive to the physical-virtual context of the human actor carrying the device.

In both cases, the proposed architecture should be open both for channeling interaction between services and user through the mobile device itself, as well as through available input and output facilities in the vicinity. Furthermore, real-world phenomena sensed by the device itself or indirectly through external sensor pools will be made available through the CHAT infrastructure as a resource for service developers to effectively design “intelligent” environments.

For the purpose of evaluation, the CHAT project will develop mobile multimodal prototype applications related to two particular activities: e-learning and exploration of cultural heritage.