Rosa Lanzilotti
Rosa Lanzilotti
Full Professor
PhD in Computer Science
IVU Laboratory
Dipartimento di Informatica
Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro
Via Orabona, 4 - 70125 Bari - Italy
phone: +39 080 544 3287
fax: +39 080 544 3300
room: 615 (6th floor)
office hours: Students may ask for an appointment by sending an email.
Rosa Lanzilotti

Research Interests:
Human-Computer Interaction, usability engineering, accessibility, usability and UX practices in industry and public institutions, end-user development, human-centered artificial intelligence







Rosa Lanzilotti is associate professor at the Department of Computer Science of University of Bari.

She is a member of the IVU (Interaction Visualization Usability and UX) Lab, where she coordinates the research on Usability Engineering and UX, which aims at promoting the use of usability and UX practices in software development processes in industry and public institutions. She also coordinates the research on Human-Centered Artificial intelligence, with the goal of fostering an innovative vision of human-centred intelligent systems, i.e. systems that take advantage of unique computer features such as powerful algorithms, big data management, advanced sensors and are useful and usable for people, enabling high levels of human control and also providing high levels of automation. She is co-author of more than 90 papers published in journals, international conferences and collections.

She got her PhD in Computer Science from the University of Bari on May 2006. Among the innovative contributions of her Ph.D. thesis, Rosa Lanzilotti has defined and applied a methodology for evaluating the quality of e-learning systems, called ELSE (e-Learning Systematic Evaluation) methodology, which combines inspection and usability testing to achieve more reliable results. She developed the Pattern-Based inspection, which uses a set of evaluation patterns describing in details the activities that the inspectors must perform to make accurate evaluations. Her main publication about this research work is in the International Journal on Human-Computer Studies, one of the most important journals in HCI. Her experience with e-learning interfaces was valuable in the Italian FIRB projects VICE (2003-2005) and L4All (2009-2011), in which she played a very active role.

She has been working in multi-disciplinary teams involving experts in human-computer interaction, software engineering, history, archaeology, middle school students and teachers, in order to design, develop and evaluate several educational games, which run on various devices, including mobile devices and large multi-touch screens. Part of this work was carried out within the Italian MIUR project CHAT (2006-2008). The results are published in prestigious venues, including ACM Transaction on CHI. She was primarily involved in the evaluation of the user experience and of the learning effectiveness of such games, due to her experience in evaluation methods, including field studies, and in the analysis of the collected data. Another significant result of this work is the patent n. 1401512, approved in August 2013, of which she is one of the inventors: it concerns a multimedia framework and a method to support the visit of a site of interest.

Rosa Lanzilotti is also interested in End-User Development (EUD). The two domains in which EUD approaches have been experimented are: health care and cultural heritage. Again, participatory teams were set up with domain experts, i.e. physicians and nurses in the medical domain and experts of cultural heritage, respectively. Some results of these studies were described in the Journal of Visual Languages and Computing in 2012 and 2014.

She works (has worked) in other projects (e.g. DEVISU, FAIRSNET, EUD-Net, DIPIS, VINCENTE) sponsored by European and Italian organizations. She was Substitute Member of the Italian Management Committee in the EU COST Action IC0904 “TWINTIDE (ToWards INtegration of Trans-sectorial IT Design and Evaluation)”.

She is member of the Italian Working Group on Usability, called GLU (Gruppo di Lavoro per l'Usabilità), set up by the Italian Ministry of Public Administration, whose aim is to improve the usability of Public Administration websites and other e-government systems. In particular, Rosa is working with other members of the GLU in order to convince public organizations that they have to explicitly mention usability and UX requirements in the request for proposal for ICT products.

She has been involved in the scientific organization of several conferences:

She served in the Program Committe of a number of International Conferences:

She is member of ACM (Association of Computing Machinery), ACM SIGCHI (ACM’s Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction) and SIGCHI Italy (the Italian Chapter of ACM SIGCHI), and IFIP TC13 - Human-Computer Interaction, WG 13.2 - Methodologies for User-Centered Systems Design.

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