
The evolving demands of the market and the increasing competition force companies to support their business plans with tools that help managers to make decisions in a rapid and more effective way. Presenting data in a convincing and understandable way requires a lot of work in particular when data changes dynamically. The research activity in this section of IVU Group is focused in developing Visual Data Mining tools, an emerging area that is interested in performing explorative data analysis and mining. Visual Data Mining refers to methods for supporting exploration of large data sets by allowing users to directly interact with visual representations of data and dynamically modify parameters to see how they affect the visualized data, in few words, it allows users to put their hand on data in order to improve the decision making process.
The graphical presentation of the data allows users to discover specific patterns, as well as new and useful properties in the data, their correlations, and also detect possible deviations from the expected values.
In this section are presented some tools developed by the IVU Group. Each tool is presented with a short description that describe what the tool is and which are its main goals. Then there is a link to a more detailed page containing references and screenshots of the interface.
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Tool list